With the unit now basically assembled, I figured I will give it a try and grind my Milling attachment base. I had already faced it using the lathe, but boy did the grinder give it a smooth as glass finish. With that done, I figured I would use it to grind the bolt face and swivel face of the milling attachment. To face it on the lathe takes a lot of set up, but here I just stuck it to the 4" magnetic chuck and it worked wonders.

Now that the grinder performs well, I have started doing a bunch of grinding jobs, and will then finish it off. I have a couple of issues to deal with, one being that my shop (yea I know, its only a garage) floor isnt flat or level. So, either I find the perfect spot for the grinder (and you know it will be dead center in the way of everything), or make adjustors for the legs, which I think will also have to be stiffened up.
Excellent job on the surface grinder. Reminds me a bit of the whole Gingery series of books on do-it-yourself machinery.
Please carry on.
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